Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pronoun Ice Cream Cones

Occasionally some of my lovely blog readers send me their ideas. I love that! And I loved this one from Kellie so much that I had to share it with you! 

Kellie made these cute cones with characters on them. The ice cream pieces have items. You can have students request items to make a giant cone! They can say  "Can I have her ladybug" for possessive pronouns. Have them label items for subjective pronouns, "He has a football." 

Kellie also included some items for working on categories! You can tell from my picture above. I added magnets to the back of them so my students can work standing up! 


Kellie Mielner is an SLP in the Three Lakes School District. Artwork credits are to Phillip Martin.

Grab your freebie HERE!!! Thanks Kellie!