The download is 67 pages in length and includes articulation game for the sounds R, S, S blends, and TH. I started with a variety of clipart games, but realized my mixed groups couldn't all play the same game! So you're looking at my revised Thanksgiving Articulation games. This game is for your readers, so the target sounds are later developing (and my most commonly targeted!) I also included blank turkey cards in case you need to make another sound.
The pack includes 189 /r/ and /r/ blends, 81 /th/ cards, 126 /s/ blends, and 108 /s/ cards. That's a total of 504 game cards!
Each game comes with a title page (this is what I place on the outside of my ziplock storage bags!)
The sound cards each have turkeys on them. This /r/ set includes vocalic r, prevocalic r and r blends.
While you play, watch out for the Turkey Trot! If you draw a run away turkey card, all your other turkeys follow and you need to start over!
You can find the download in my TPT Store. Let me know what you think!