Saturday, May 11, 2013

Grillin' Syllables {with giveaway}

One of the best parts of summer? The grill! I've got a ton of kiddos working on multisyllabic words so I whipped this game up! Time for Grillin' Syllables

Grillin' Syllables is a new game for speech therapy targeting multisyllabic articulation of words. I developed a new game targeting these 3-5 syllable words featuring the summer grill theme! 

78 multisyllabic words with pictures are included. 

Print all food cards. Print each student one game board (page 3). Use blank cards to include student specific learning targets. Laminate all materials, but most importantly the student game boards.

Give each student one game board and one dry erase marker. Place the cards in the center of the group. 

On each turn, the student should pull a card from the center pile. Read the multisyllable word. Check the included grill food at the top of the card and mark that item off on your game board. 

If you draw a special ‘burnt it!’ card, lose a turn. 

The student who first covers all their grill items is the game winner. 

Download it on TpT and don't forget to leave feedback if you grab it! I'm giving away 2 free copies - just enter on rafflecopter below! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway