Saturday, March 9, 2013

Walk around Scope

I came in early today to re-hang the booth, as I had taken everything down last night just in case new leaks sprung. In any event, I then had time to walk around the fair a bit... here are some images:

One of my favorite pieces - seen at Parlor Gallery from Ashbury Park, NJ
A rare sighting of glass, from Sophia Collier Gallery, Sausalito, CA
Seen at Aicon Gallery, NYC and London
Seen at Allegra LaViola Gallery, NYC... cough, cough
Seen at La Lanta Gallery, Bangkok
Artomaticky wall from Fred Torres Collaborations, NYC
Seen at Weldon Arts, Brooklyn
What looked like colored felt wrapped around foam core to reproduce Van Gogh's works... just sayin'
Spectacular self-contained video sculpture by Marck, showing at Lich Feld Gallery, Basel
The usual gorgeous light work at Baltimore's C. Grimaldis Gallery
Self contained video sculptures by Gabriel Barcia-Colombo at Muriel Guepin Gallery, Brooklyn