Don’t panic with what you are about to see. It’s only the first week of November!
Don’t panic with how long this post is! I just wanted to show you all the pictures I can!
The Thanksgiving packets I made are turning out to be one of my favorite projects. I really have almost all of my lesson plans for November done. Throw in some other activities with books and crafts and call it done! I wanted to make a similar packet for December, so I’ve spend the last three weeks working on it. I have a ton of hours into these so I hope you’ll find them useful.
The packets focus on Christmas. If you can’t discuss Christmas at your school, keep your eyes peeled for my other packets, which are almost ready to share.
So ready or not, here comes Santa Claus!
Packets available include: Speech & Language Toy CatalogCompanion, Christmas Articulation, Christmas Grammar, Christmas ExpressiveLanguage, Christmas Receptive Language and Christmas Pragmatics.
The Speech &Language Toy Catalog Companion is designed to work with any toy catalog mailer. It’s appropriate for both preschool and elementary aged students. It’s 20 pages in length and targets articulation, functions, attributes, categories, compare/contrasting, persuasion and perspective taking.
The articulation, function, attributes and categories pages are made for either writing answers or drawing answers.
I had my preschool and kindergarten friends draw their answers. The first graders and older students wrote their answers. Everyone who I tested it on loved it!
The cards come with suggested function, attributes or categories to search for. Add other ideas specific to the toys in your catalog.
A Venn diagram is included for comparing and contrasting toys or items with your older students.
There is a page describing perspective taking. Two sheets are included with suggested characters. Have your students think about what another person might want to receive for the holidays.
How will a 3-year-old girl and an 11 year old boy differ?
There is a page describing persuasion skills. Have your students persuade a friend to choose a certain toy, to not spend money on a toy, and to combine money to share a toy. Use bullet points or narratives to make persuasive arguments.
The ChristmasPragmatics Packet is 28 pages and includes activities for problem solving, judging social comments, initiating conversations, giving & receiving gifts, sustaining conversation and a set of conversation starters.
Social Problem Solving (20 cards) Each card contains a social situation that could take place at Christmas. Determine what you should do.
There are blank cards included for each game.
The Christmas Grammar Packet includes 40 pages. Learning objectives include: pronouns, regular verbs, irregular verbs, irregular plurals, is/are, have/has, and was/were.
Christmas Train Pronouns (60 cards) Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun. Add train cards to your engine, but watch out for the train wreck!
Gingerbread Irregular Verb Cards (20 cards) Each card contains a sentence. Students must choose the correct answer to fill in the blank. If correct, store it on their gingerbread house.
Elf Irregular Plurals (24 cards) Students read each verb card. Find the elf legs and hat that match for the irregular plurals. Use each in a sentence.
Christmas Cookies: Subject/Verb Agreement (18 cards) Students read the sentences and fill in the blanks with is/are. Sort them onto the correct cookie sheet for baking.
Ugly Christmas Sweater HAVE/HAS Cards (18 cards) Students read the sentence on the card and fill in the blank with HAVE or HAS. Then sort the sweaters into the correct gift box.
Christmas Light WAS/WERE cards (18 cards) Students draw a card. Read the sentence and fill in the blank with the correct past tense form of ‘to be.’ Sort the card onto the correct tree.
Santa Verbs: (18 cards) Santa has been busy. Students should pull cards and describe what Santa is doing.
The Christmas Receptive Language Packet is 44 pages in length. It features the following learning objectives: answering WH questions, following directions, listening comprehension and inferencing.
Ugly Christmas Sweaters: Answering WH Questions: 78 questions cards, 6 special cards, 4 cue cards. Answer WH questions correctly, and keep your card. Use the visual cue cards to talk about appropriate answers for each WH type. Watch out for sneaky elves trying to steal your cards.
Christmas Cookie: Following Directions: 36 task cards, 6 special cards, 1 page of student mats. Game includes one step directions, conditional directions, two step before/after directions.
Elf Antics: Listening/Reading Comprehension. 30 task cards, 5 skill cards, 6 special cards. Have students draw a skill card (main idea, prediction, detail, setting, characters). Listen or read the short passage and then target the skill selected.
Guessing Gifts: Inferencing game. 24 inferencing cards, 6 special cards. Students draw inferencing cards that show a gift box and list 3 clues about the gift inside. Items include toys, decorations and holiday objects.
This packet contains blanks for games to allow for customization.
Christmas Expressive Language includes 42 pages targeting asking questions, comparing/contrasting, sequencing, multiple meaning words, vocab and similes.

Ugly Christmas Sweaters: Answering WH Questions: 78 questions cards, 6 special cards, 4 cue cards. Each game card has an answer appropriate for a WHO, WHAT, WHEN or WHERE questions. Develop an appropriate WH questions correctly and keep your card. Use the visual cue cards to remind you of the options for asking questions. Watch out for sneaky elves trying to steal your cards.
Compare/Contrast: Use the Venn diagram to compare and contrast the items pictured above it (Santa, snowmen, presents.) Then write a paragraph describing the two items.
Christmas Cookies: Retelling Familiar Sequences: 18 cards. Students pull a sequencing card. Read the card and identify the steps to complete the sequence.
Christmas Lights: Multiple Meaning Words. 27 questions cards, 2 student mats. Print all light cards. Print one tree for each student. Place all lights in a pile. Have student draw a card and give two meanings for the given word. If they answer correctly the students keep their card and place it on their tree.
The Night Before Christmas Vocabulary & Similes. Read the included poem with your students. Review the selected vocabulary and select other desired targets. Use the cards included to play games where students name definitions and synonyms. Use the blank cards to select your own vocabulary targets. Review the meaning of similes. Search for similes in the text. Use the sheets to record your findings. Original Source.
This pack also contains blanks for most games.
Expressive Languagecan be found in my TPT store.
The Christmas Articulation packet includes 68 pages. Articulation games for /r/, ‘th’, /s/ and /s/ blends.
The /r/ game includes 189 cards for prevocalic /r/, vocalic /r/, and /r/ blends. The ‘th’ game includes 81 cards in the initial, medial and final position in voiced and voiceless ‘th’. The /s/ blend game includes 126 cards in the initial position of 1 & 2 syllable words. The /s/ cards include 108 cards in the initial, medial and final positions. Students draw Christmas lights and add them to a tree. Watch out for the sneaky cards that make you pack up your tree early!